Friday 1 November 2013

IDEA 3G VPN Based Trick - Working All Over India - November 2013 | By Abhi

Idea 3g VPN Based Trick / Hack - November 2013 - Working All Over India

The IDEA VPN TRICK NOVEMBER 2013 is Working in many states. It is predicted to work in many states of India. You Can Try This Trick ...... If You Can't Download The Config File - Then Leave A Message In Our Facebook Page - And We Send You That File For Free ............

Features Of This Trick :
No Disconnection Problem
No Registration needed on any other VPN
No Speed Capping Problem
No Needed Any Activated Plan Or Recharge
Its Works With NMD VPN, PD-Proxy And Many Other VPNs.
Its Work In Android Mobile Using Feat VPN

How To Use VPN Configs In Android Phone With Feat VPN

Download Additional Files:

Download Idea 3G VPN Based Trick Config From Bellow :

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