Sunday 29 December 2013

Convert for your Memory Card Or Pendrive 1GB,2GB into 4GB.

follow the simple instructions:

Step1: Insert your memory stick in USB port
Step 2: Open the Drive increaser software folder (download the software)
Step 3: Rename the Pendrive or memory stick.
Step 4: Open Drive Increaser 2 icon from the Downloaded folder.
Step 5: The opened file is asks USB drive Name. (Before enter the name first Rename the Memory stick or Pen drive). Just  enter the renamed pen drive name. Ex: 1234.
Step 6: After that, it will ask USB pendrive letter (Ex: H or I or J). Repeat this two times.

Step 7: After Drive letter entry some process will be done with Red color like this image.
Step 8: Finally it shows Done Please enter any key to done.
    Now your Pen drive is 4GB
NOTE: Do not format the Pen drive. Just delete the files from pen drive if format is required.

Download the software:
                                           1GB,2GB into 4GB

Thank you for Techie Hub...........

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