Xiaomi Redmi 1S is the greatest hit by Xiaomi which broke the Indian market. This phone has lots of features which more than its cost, Rs.5999 only. Recently, Xiaomi has announced that rooting Xiaomi phones will not void the warranty of your phone so It's great if you are a developer or want to perform some actions which can't be performed on unrooted phones.
Many times, users brick their phones while rooting and it feels very bad if your phone gets bricked. Well, in this article, I'm going to tell you the simplest way to root your Xiaomi Redmi 1S without using any computer. It can be done just with the help of small update packages which can be downloaded in your phone and can be used toroot and unroot your Xiaomi Redmi 1S.
1. The first thing you need is to download the update packages. They are very small in size (2.52 MB). Download them from THIS LINK.
2. Now after downloading the update files, just extract them anywhere in your SD card.
3. Now, open "Updater" in your phone and tap menu button. Now, from the menu, tap "Select Update Package" and locate to the update file you extracted in your SD Card. Now select "update.zip" file and phone will ask you to update. Just allow it to update and then your phone will reboot and rooting file will be installed. After that the phone will reboot again.
4. Now open "Security" and then "Permission". You will see that Root Permission option is active and you can access the root.
To unroot the phone, just follow the same procedure and instead of using "update.zip" file, use "UnRootNative_Redmi1S.zip" file as update package. After unrooting your phone, the Root Permission option will be disabled.
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