Wednesday 24 June 2015

How to use marquee text on desktop in XP

Hello friends. Hope all of you might be reading my posts on my first blog THE NEXT GENERATION. This is my second blog where I'll share tips and tricks about blogging and computers. No cracks, no hacking tricks, only fresh and clean content.
So, starting the first post of this blog, I am going to tell you how to add marquee text in your desktop.
Note: Marquee text is a text which slides/scrolls in the different directions. You can easily create the marquee texts by using html.

Let's start the process:

  • First of all, we need to create an html file in which we will create marquee text. So, to create the html file, simply open notepad and then type this code:
    How to use marquee text on desktop in XP

    Marquee Text

    ***Hi, I Love Blogging And Making New Friends***
  • Now, save this file as marquee.html
  • Finally, we have created our simple marquee page. You can change the font color and background color of the marquee text by using  and  tags. Now, it's time to show the marquee text on the desktop, so let's start the next steps:
  •  Right click on the desktop and click "Properties".
  •  Display Properties window will appear. Click on "Desktop" tab.
  • Now click on "Customize Desktop" button.
    How to use marquee text on desktop in XP
  • Now, "Desktop Items" window will appear. Click Web tab and New button.
    How to use marquee text on desktop in XP
  •  Now, locate the html file which we created earlier and then click OK.
    How to use marquee text on desktop in XP
  •  Now, you will see that the marquee webpage is added in the list. Just click OK.
    How to use marquee text on desktop in XP
  • Now, click Apply and then OK in Display Properties window. After that, you will see that your html file is visible in the desktop. You can move and adjust the window by dragging with the mouse.
  • To make it unmovable, just right click on the desktop and then click "Arrange Icons By > Lock Web Items On Desktop".
  • To remove the marquee from the desktop, just see the 9th step and delete the added file from the list, then click OKApply then OK.

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