Thursday 25 August 2011

How to View Password behind asterisks (**************)

Hi Friends, Today I am posting article about "How to view Password behind asterisks (***********)".
This trick useful for you when someone Remember their Yahoo,Facebook or any other Account Password in your Browser or in School,College and University Lab Browser then use it, because when you click on his/her email then password will automatically filled but you can't see the Password , so use this trick to View that password.


Requirements: Internet Explorer OR Opera Browser.
Note: It does not work on latest version of Chrome and Firefox. (It may be work on old version of Chrome and Firefox but not confirm it work or not).

1) Open Website which have password field form i.e Facebook , Yahoo Mail, Hotmail etc.
 Example :

 2) Now Enter Email and Password OR Select Email from Email List and Password will be automatically enter into the password field if someone remember her/his password for email.

  3) Copy below Code.

%20This Page:\n\n%22%20+%20s);%20else%20alert(%22There%20are

4) Paste it in your Browser Address bar and Press Enter button as shown below

5) Now You will see a dialog box and show you your Password. 
"Me Password" is my Password as shown below
i) Shoot from Opera Browser

ii) Shoot From Internet Explorer Browser

6) If there are 2 or 3 Field of Password and you enter Password to all field then Script will show you all the 2 or 3 Passwords.

So Enjoy.................................

If you have any problem then mention it in comment.

The Bangash Hacker

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